
How can this be?
How can it be that 6 years ago, I was being admitted to the hospital, about to endure some of the most physically painful hours of my life to be able to get to one of the single most joyous moments I’ve ever experienced in meeting you for the first time, Lucas. You gave me and Daddy a whole new purpose for living and loving and adventure together.
SIX. That’s SO much bigger than five! Five still felt little. Five still felt like you were in that in-between stage of little child and being a big kid. But 6.
Six is too much. Dad and I have joked that you weren’t allowed to turn 6, that we were skipping your birthday this year. Don’t you know that it’s because our hearts hurt so much at how fast you’re growing? How quickly you’ve left babyhood then toddlerhood and are somehow leaping into childhood and sprinting towards being a teenager?
You’ve moved onto the other hand now in telling others visually how old you are. Your baby teeth look too small, and your face looks too grown, and your legs are too long, and your feet are pushing the boundaries of your shoes again. You are reading and writing and befriending others and stretching your physical limits with swimming and suddenly this big independent kid I can’t begin to be more proud of.
You pour your own cereal and milk and pack your own lunch most days. You get dressed, shoes on, and walk to the bus stop without anyone holding your hand. You had your first sleepover last week, and you plan your own social calendar (often without consulting me) and are courteous and polite when you have to cancel plans, always communicating with your friends. You buckle your own seatbelt (but we still double check and adjust, we always will- #sorrynotsorry– you’re lucky you aren’t actually #rearfacingtilhighschool) and make your own packing lists and design your own treehouses and draw Mickey Mouse for your brother because you know how much he loves him.
I just can’t. I can’t believe the little boy you’ve grown to be and that you’ve overcome and grown so much this past year. You’re compassionate and kind and silly and brave and loving and wild and smart and sensitive, and I don’t know who I would be without you, but I’m sure glad I don’t ever have to find out.

We love you so much, our Snuggle Ruckus, our Squeakers, our Lucas B.

Happy 6th Birthday, darling